As the Program Administrator in tilr, you have Adminstrator functionality available to you.
Sending Welcome Emails
The Administrator is the only user that can send employees the Welcome Email.
The Welcome Email invites employees to login to the tilr platform for the first time to create their account.
Image of the Welcome Email
When an employee clicks 'Accept Invite' they are prompted to set up their password and are taken to Onboarding.
Here's how to send the Welcome Email:
Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen
Click 'Settings'
On the 'Users' screen, every employee has a Send Email button next to their name
Send Email button
Click 'Send Email' to send the email
When the employee clicks 'Accept Invite' on the email then the 'Send Email' button changes into a date stamp of the date that the employee accepted the invite.
Track Welcome Emails and their status:
Last Invited On - The most recent date when a Welcome Email was sent to this employee
# of Invites - Number of times a Welcome Email was sent to this employee
Invited By - The name of the Admin who sent the Welcome Email
NOTE: the Welcome Email appears to come from Have your IT team whitelist the domain to increase the likelihood of deliverability.
General Settings
Module Visibility
You can hide the Courses and Mentorship module, if you are not running those programs in tilr.
Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen
Click 'Settings'
Click on 'General Settings'
Toggle visibility for Courses and Mentorship on/off When a module is 'off' it will not appear in the left hand navigation
Toggle module visibility
"Auto populate skills for all roles" - if this setting is enabled then at 2 AM every night, tilr will check each Role in the tilr account to detect whether there are skills configured for it. If a role that does not have skills associated with it then tilr will auto-populate skills to it. Those skills are based on skills that are trending on the market for roles with that job title.
Course Approval - configure permissions for approving course requests in tilr
Course Management
The Course Management screen gives Administrators the capability to:
View who is holding a Coursera license
The course Learners are enrolled in
A Learners' progress in a course
Reclaim license from a Learner
Download data
To access Course Management screen:
Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen
Click 'Settings'
Click on 'Course Management
Tags allows Administrators and People Leaders to create groups of employees for the purposes of skills comparison and reporting. For example: agile teams, leadership team, project teams, etc.
Admins can add a tag to any employee's profile. People Leaders can add a tag to any employee's profile in their reporting structure.
To add a tag to an employee, go to their Profile and click "+Add Tag" and type in the name of the tag.
People can edit or remove tags that they created. To see and edit tags in the account, go to Settings > Tags.
tilr re-creates your organizational hierarchy in your HRIS which dictates permissions for Employees and Managers.
Administrator is a user setting created and assigned by tilr.
License Management
For employees in own reporting tree, if approval setting is enabled
Can view and reclaim licenses
View employees' skills profiles
Employees in own reporting structure
Employees in own reporting structure
Role architecture & skills comparison
For roles in own reporting tree
For all roles in the organization
Approve / decline course requests
For employees in own reporting tree, if approval setting is enabled
For all requests
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