Every employee has a profile where the employee and their Manager can see:
Managers can view profile pages for employees in their reporting structure by going to 'Employees' and clicking on an employee's name.
Role Comparison
Role Comparison offers employees a visual and numerical breakdown of how they are tracking against the skills they are expected to have for their role.
In this example, the Head of Growth:
Skills Detail
The Skills Detail lists the skills in the Role Comparison's four categories.
In the example of Head of Growth, this is the list of skills:
Skills Growth
The Skills Growth gives employees a visual and numerical breakdown of their skills development at the organization.
In this example:
Course Overview
The Course Overview offers a glimpse into course enrolment, learning progress and learning time.
Skills Management is where an employee can view and manage their Skills, Aspire Skills and Achieved Skills.
Use the dropdown in the top right hand corner to toggle between them.
My Skills
My Skills is an employee's skills profile. From here, an employee can control their skills profile.
Click on any skill to see:
Aspire Skills
Aspire Skills are the skills that an employee wants to learn.
Achieved Skills
Achieved Skills are the skills acquired through completing courses or mentorship. Those skills are added to both Achieved Skills and My Skills.
Courses is where an employee can quickly and easily view and access their courses.
Use the dropdown in the top right hand corner to toggle between the different course states.
Mentorship is where an employee can quickly and easily access their Mentorship Profile and view their Active Relationships.